Pagan’s Pole were very privileged to be asked to perform for the Olympic Torch Relay as it passed through Bangor city centre on May 28th. There were 9 students and Instructors performing on the pole that day: Pagan, Mz KT, Liberty, Elena, Tegan, Beth, Loopy Liza, Heather aka Aerial, and Seren. It was one of the most beautifully sunny and warm days Bangor has seen this year, and all ladies were grateful for the cool breeze that blew across the city centre.

At precisely 12.30pm our performances began and the crowds soon gathered to watch pole dancing. It soon became apparent that our audience was appreciating our efforts, not only as performers but also as athletes, sportswomen…indeed what better way to demonstrate our sport than by performing for the Olympic Torch?!!
The whole event was marvellous and we would all like to thank the organisers for allowing us the opportunity to be part of such a unique, one-off and special event. We LOVED every second!